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Jonas Clark Hall at sunrise
serving you throughout your Clark journey

The Academic Advising Center offers general academic services to help you plan your academic program. Work with us to explore majors — or to design your own, develop strategies to overcome academic difficulties, and more.

In your first year at Clark, you will be assigned a first year success advisor to help you select your courses. Once you declare your major, faculty within that academic department will coordinate your academic advising. However, you may continue to receive support from the Academic Advising Center. We are here for you.

What Our Students Say

Jesús Robles Garcia ’19

My adviser, John Magee, has helped me grow as a computer scientist and has helped me choose courses that would be a good fit for me.

Jesús Robles Garcia ’19

Majors: Computer Science and Economics

Minor: Management

Jesús Robles Garcia ’19
Rylee Simons ’19
Emmye Vernet ’18
male student and female student looking over papers near filing cabin

The first steps toward meeting your goals

How We Can Help

We offer a wide array of academic support services for undergraduate students. Our office can help you:

  • Navigate academic programs and policies
  • Explore or clarify your choice of major
  • Evaluate transfer courses and assess credits awarded
  • Petition the College Board for exceptions to academic policies
Contact Information

Academic Advising Center

Office Location
  • Alumni and Student Engagement Center, Room 214
    939 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7468
Office Hours
  • Monday – Friday
    9 a.m. to 5 p.m